Saint John the Baptist Patron of Baptism


drawing of Saint John the Baptist, Patron of Baptism
“Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist…” – Jesus

Many of us are familiar with the story of Saint John the Baptist – his miraculous birth and baptism of Jesus.  John’s whole life was dedicated to preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah.  In fact, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he “recognized” Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary even before he was born and “leaped” for joy! 

This holy man spoke the truth in love for all to hear.  To save souls, he preached against wrongdoing and encouraged the people to turn to God.  This got into trouble with Herod who had relations with his brother’s wife.

Saint John the Baptist is revered not only by Christians but by Muslims alike.  Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, he is also mentioned in the Quran. 

He is the patron saint for baptism as well as monks, converts, convulsive children, farriers, cutters, bird dealers, epileptics, lambs, tailors, printers, motorways, and innkeepers.  He is also invoked against hailstorms, spasms and called upon by French Canadians, Jordanians, Puerto Ricans, the Knights Hospitaller, Knights of Malta, 13 dioceses and 70 cities.

Today, June 24 is his birthday and memorial.  Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!


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